Friday 13 January 2012

Weird things I'm allowed to do at work

Actually, weird thing, singular. Although I may think of something else as I type. You never know.

Incidentally, I had crumpets for breakfast this morning. I find my day always goes better when it starts with crumpets, for some reason. I should do it more often, I guess. I saw a neat video on YouKnow with a crumpet recipe that seemed pretty handleable... maybe I should actually try to make my own sometime?

Handleable is too a word, by the way. Or at least it is today.


Oh, before I say anyway: yes, it's not a recent photo. I need to get out and take some new photos, really. Nothing wrong with having a flower today, though, I figure.



For all you OH&S officer-types amongst my two fans, a question: do you think it's a good idea for someone with a proven track record as an accident-prone leftie to be allowed to use the paper guillotine? I'm not sure that it is. And for those who are getting a weird mental picture when I say paper guillotine, think this, not this, and it'll make more sense. Anyway (again), for some reason the people here let me use the guillotine without a second thought. On a regular basis.

Silly people.

On the other hand, I've been using it for years and I do still have all of my fingers.

That's amazing, don't you think?

Anyway (AGAIN), as part of my let's-find-work-to-do-at-home-while-I'm-a-shut-in plan of these last couple of days, this morning I did some quick and dirty mounting of those frog and ground squirrel drawings (well, scans of the drawings) that I was working on which I'll clean up a bit at home. In the case of this place, quick and dirty mounting for program props involves gluing stuff to poster board, trimming it up on the guillotine, and then running it through the laminator.

Terribly exciting stuff, this post. Sorry about that.

ANYWAY,  our laminator is a roller-style one where you have to leave about a quarter of an inch of film around all the edges to keep the laminate from splitting, so to keep things a little neater I usually tape the film back to make the edges look more flush. It's a bother, it's time-consuming, and it's probably the perfect no-brain thing to do at home while watching television and pouting about the weather.

Stupid bloody weather.

Say it with me now: Anyway. I've got through another round of trimming and laminating without so much as a paper cut (yay me), so here's hoping that the upcoming office accident (because you just know that there's going to be one) doesn't decide to be a serious one just to make up for things.

Um, yeah.

Geez, this was a stupid post. If this keeps up, even I won't miss me while I'm gone.

1 comment:

Sparroweye said...

Our weather has gone all spring on us. With thunderstorms and the like. Welcome Global warming. The good part is I am able to stop covering up the daffodil buds and they stand a good chance of opening up this week. But, I don't know about next week. Winter could return. So I will take photographs for proof.

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