Wednesday 7 March 2012

Another flower

Because flowers aren't snow.

And I don't have any new photos at the moment. or, rather, I do... but they're still on the camera. They're likely to stay there for a while, too, since I really shouldn't be mucking about with that sort of trivial nonsense at work, and I don't know if I'll make it into my Dad's place this weekend.

The photos aren't of snow anyway. I've had enough of snow.

We got a fair bit the other day (which is fanTAStic, especially this time of year) and it's messed things up enough that at least one of the surrounding counties cancelled their school busses today to avoid the impassable rural roads.

March is a stupid month to have snow days in, if you ask me. Of course, I don't imagine that the students are complaining.

This snow plus the inanity of my apartment's management company also means that I'll be taking a cab to work tomorrow morning, which sucks. Let me set out the picture here so that you can all be snitty with me: The management company doesn't really believe in snow removal. Ordinarily we'll go an entire winter without having our parking lots cleared, because naturally we can all just beat things down with our tires, right? So with every freeze and thaw things become more of an ice rink (seriously. I often have to wear my ice cleats just to get to my car in the morning), and when everything melts in the spring all the water runs into the divots created by the cars, and we have seasonal lakes to park in. This happens every year, and I know I've whinged about it here on the blog before so I'll just leave that part for now.

Next part: Even this management company can't manage to ignore the massive amounts of snow making life difficult in the parking lot at the moment, so they've decided to clear it. On the rare occasions that this happens we're told to find somewhere else to park all day (since they apparently can't tell their contractor exactly when to come. Contractor's fault, probably, so there's one little thing I won't blame on the management company. See? I can be fair). Or we're threatened with tag-and-tow if we don't find somewhere else to park, rather. No big deal, since I'm generally at work during the clearing time.

I don't work at night, though.

Which makes it a pain in the youknow that they've scheduled the lot clearing for overnight. I should mention that I've been living there for nearly twenty years (sigh. It hurts even just to type that) and they've NEVER done a nighttime clearing. And now, somehow, they expect everyone to find spots to park on the (uncleared, snow-filled) street all night. Like that'll happen.

I should mention here that this doesn't affect just my building. Oh no. They're doing all the lots in three-building complex at once, so three buildings' worth of people will be trying -- and failing --to find parking on the street.

Me? I'm leaving my car at work. I've been offered a ride home this afternoon (THANK YOU!), but tomorrow morning it's cab or walk, since the city busses don't run to the Nature Centre.

How stupid is that, by the way? I work at a nature centre and I don't even have the option of doing the save-the-planet thing by taking mass transit to work.

Aaanyway. The car's having a sleepover at work, the cab company gets my business tomorrow, and that bloody parking lot better be cleared by the time I drive the car home again.



Oh, and if you thought this was complaining, just wait until you hear about the next few days. We're supposed to be well above 0C, so all that snow will be looking for a place to melt to. I anticipate a lot of discussion about windshield washer fluid and ineffectual wipers....

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