Tuesday 27 March 2012

It gets old, you know

We got more snow yesterday and into this morning. Oh, it'll easily be melted off the roads by time I go home, yes, but I'm really, really getting tired of clearing off my car in the morning. I'm so tired. Tired of waiting. Tired of waiting for you...

Well, ok. For spring. Tired of waiting for spring.

Just as an aside, I should tell you that normally I wear my flash drive on a lanyard around my neck. The past few days I've been wearing pendants instead (don't worry, this isn't going to be another jewellery post. We'll give you at least a day's rest on those, I think) so the flash drive's been in my pocket instead. And just now, when I went to grab the flash drive to find a pointless photo for today? I very nearly tried to plug my grandma's blue topaz (check yesterday's photo if you're desperate) into the USB port.

Old habits die hard, as they say.

It just occurred to me that I should have made that story longer. I haven't come up with a topic yet today, and the extra typing might have brought something to mind. Ah well.

I'll wrap it up quickly today, then, with a bit of information. We're having a provincial election here on April 23rd. That would be equivalent to a state election, for any of my two fans who are American. And when did we officially find out that we were having an election?


That's right, less than a month's (official) campaigning before an election.

Would you like to know something else?

That's normal in Canada.

I think I can feel my American readers, who've been suffering through what seems like years of primaries and haven't even got to the actual presidential campaigning yet, staring at the screen in stunned disbelief.

Honestly, I don't know how you folks tolerate your system. There's never been a time when I've visited the States that there hasn't been political signage out on people's lawn for some election. Don't you burn out? And the attack ads. Geez, don't get me started on the attack ads. The little bit we get here drive me nuts. I'd never be able to survive yours. I've said it before here, but I'll say it again: the quickest way to make me NOT vote for you is to attack your opponent rather than telling me what your policies are. Prove to me that you can do the job, not that you think the other guy is a weenie (or incompetent or a crook or a communist or a terrorist or a -- gasp -- liberal or whatever the latest slur is). Anything not to do with how you'd do the job just gets tuned out. By me, anyway. And if I don't vote for people who run attack ads? In the States I guess I'd just never vote.

It may come to that here, unfortunately, but I hope it won't.

And don't worry about this blog turning all political in the next month. I hate politics. If anything completely effed up happens I might bring it up, but other than that this may well be the last mention of our rapid-fire election that you have here at the Home of Pointlessness.

And good thing, too.

Did I mention that I hate politics?

Pretty odd that I had an extant label for it, then. If you click it, you'll probably just find another blather with me telling you I hate politics. Maybe I'll try it after I post.

Posting... now.

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