Thursday 29 March 2012

Ok. So.

I opened up the blog editor. I put the nerdstick in the USB port. I went to type a title for this post... and then I realised that I have no post. Somewhere along the line I forgot to even think of a think of a blather. So?

More jewellery box. I bet you're all thrilled.

I'd like to title this particular drawer Hellooo 80s, since it was so obvious that it hadn't been touched since then. Zipper pull necklace, plastic pearls (which, by the way, I'm keeping. If nothing else, they might end up in an art project at some point), neon plastic earrings, hoop earrings, assorted earrings of which I'd lost one but kept the other because mismatched was cool anyway, hologram watch, cat watch with "mouse" second hand, lobe pinchers...

Oh, hang on. I've got a closer picture of what I mean by lobe pinchers:

See? No piercing required. They're just held on by the shape of the back. Incredibly uncomfortable after a while for those of us who already have piercings, though. They kind of squeeze them in bad ways.

Oh, and that butterfly-looking thing is a scarf holder. Not that I was ever terribly into scarves, but my mother was so I've got a little bit of scarf hardware around and about.

I'm happy to say that much of this drawer has now been cleaned out. The pile of plastic earrings whose posts were too big to conveniently fit through a normal piercing? Gone. Ditto the broken and mismatched stuff. I kept the lobe pinchers just because they're weird, and like I said above I've kept the fake pearls as well.

And I really should get a battery for the hologram watch.

It's still pretty cool, you have to admit.

Goodbyyye 80s...

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