Sunday 25 October 2009

Ah, headache

The pointless photo is of the trees outside my apartment at night.

Oh yeah, and the moon's in there somewhere too.


There are many things that my mother left me, some good and some bad.

In the bad file would be her neck.

Well, not literally her neck, of course. That'd be weird. She did, however, leave me the genetic capability of carrying on the family bad neck, and I can't say that I'm especially grateful for it.

I had a bit of an off-night overall, and unfortunately that off-night must have led to sleeping in a bad position. The result, as was obvious as soon as I tried to get up, is that I'm not turning terribly well to one side at the moment.

Yay, stupid neck.

It's annoying not being able to move your head properly, of course, but that's not the worst part about the neck thing. The problem is that over the course of the day gravity starts to get a hand in and compresses things in the wrong position, and that leads to headaches.

Like I need more headaches in my life.

Anyway, I guess this all decides what I'll be doing for the rest of the day. The drive back home will be uncomfortable but manageable, and then I'll just sprawl out on the bed and try not to move in the wrong fashion. Oh, and hope that when I go to sleep tonight things decide to shift in a good direction rather than a worse direction.

It's always a bit of a crap shoot when the neck's not happy.

There must be something out there in silly video land to make me a little more happy, right? Let's see what I can come up with...

Ok, how about this? You have to follow it with this, though, or it won't make as much sense.

Going now.

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