Friday 30 October 2009

Out, damned song

What? It's Shakespeare.

Well, almost Shakespeare.

Oh, if you honestly don't know just google Macbeth Act V Scene I. And the only reason she wasn't damning a song is that she was too worried about murder to care about earworms.

And before I go any further, the photo is COMPLETELY pointless. Don't wear yourself out looking for hidden meanings.

I need to keep this short(ish) today because my wrist brace is completely buggering up my typing and I don't need to give the backspace key THAT much exercise. And why a wrist brace, Dee? Old injury that hurts sometimes, that's all. Compression helps, but it also means my wrist/hand balance is totally off at the moment. And, apparently, the heel of my hand keeps hitting that Windows button on the keyboard (does anyone ever really use that thing?) without my feeling it. I've found myself in places today that I never even knew existed, computerily speaking.


I'm a bad one for earworms because I have a combination of a pretty good musical memory and an irritatingly olf mind. Once my brain latches on to a tune it's really, really, really hard to get that tune to take a break. There are a couple of tricks that work a bit (Monty Python's Traffic Lights song being one of them, unfortunately. I'm not entirely sure why. Maybe because the musical brain can't tolerate it for too long?), but for the most part I tend to hang on to a song until something even more insistent (or is that persistent?) comes along.

Right now? Well, I'd be happy to get rid of the Souling Song any time soon. Seems an odd choice, I know... to anyone who doesn't watch Letterman. You see, Sting performed his version of the song the other night (which was probably completely boggling to his North American audience -- most of whom would have never heard of soul cakes -- even though the song itself is very appropriate for this time of year), and while it was very pleasant and well put together it does NOT NEED TO STILL BE IN MY HEAD.

Just saying.

Geez, there have been a lot of parentheses in this post.

I need to sing about traffic lights for a while now, ok?


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