Thursday 29 October 2009

Now the funny thing is...

... that when I haven't really had the chance to blog for a while I sort of forget that I have a blog.

This ought to be good, then. What to talk about?

Well, I suppose I could mention that since I haven't taken too many depressing autumn photos (or even non-depressing autumn photos) you're going to have to put up with some of the stuff that's been sitting on my nerdstick for a while. I thought today's web might be at least a little Halloween appropriate, though. Or at least that's going to be my excuse.

Hmmm. Kind of slow so far, don't you think? What else, then?

I could, I guess, tell you that the crud has attacked the office to the point where the first words I heard when I came in this morning were "don't touch anything! We just disinfected your desk". That sounds promising, yes? Yep, a good part of the staff is off being generally infectious. And when I protested that I'd already had the crud (for a whole fricking month, if you remember), Wheat gave his opinion that this particular crud is a different crud.

Great. Just great. It doesn't help that I spent yesterday morning doing programs at a school, aka The Home of All Things Viral. Well, maybe not videos. But you see where I'm going here. Send a person who seems to catch every damned thing going around to a school -- where EVERYTHING goes around -- and it's not too hard to predict the results.


I felt like I should be bathing in hand sanitizer by the time I got back.

Speaking of which (hand sanitizer, not bathing in hand sanitizer), it's definitely proliferating around here. Part of that's a general OH&S flu season precaution, but part of it is, I'm sure, the general media fascination with OMG WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE IF WE COUGH/SNEEZE/TOUCH ANYONE/TOUCH OUR MOUTHS/TOUCH ANYTHING stories. Not that I'm against precautions. I think you'll find that I mentioned just above that I seem to have caught pretty much everything going around this year, and I'd be very happy to have that stop. It's just... there comes a point, doesn't there? There comes a point where you just have to trust that your immune system will do it's best to keep you going.

And also, more worryingly, there comes a point where fatigue sets in and people stop listening to warnings and then stop taking precautions altogether.

There's only so many times a person can cry wolf, you know.

And do I think we're hearing too much wolf right now? Oh, I don't know. I'd make a joke about it just being coyotes or foxes, but coyotes definitely don't work in that particular punchline at the moment.

And how freaky was that? Poor girl.

Anyway, back to work now.

And, hopefully, back to more regular posting.

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