Saturday 17 October 2009


As usual, the pointless photo is pointless. There's no hidden meaning. Don't even bother trying to figure it out.


I'm a pretty noise-intolerant person. Sudden noises, I mean (although general noise mostly annoys me too). It's one of the reasons that I don't sleep well (just one of the reasons, though. There are others. Sadly. Otherwise I could cure the whole thing with a good set of ear plugs), it's probably one of the reasons that I've never wanted children, and it's definitely one of the reasons that I enjoy my own company.

I can usually guess when I'm about to make a sudden noise. Other people? Not so much.

I have the nerves of a cat when it comes to sudden noises, and have had for my entire life as far as I know. I can remember being totally freaked out by noises, to the point of wanting to run from the room if I knew a loud noise might possibly happen.

Which is why I could never understand the joys of KerPlunk.

You remember KerPlunk (or Kerplunk or Ker-Plunk or, even worse, Ker-Plunk!... as though it's something to be happy about)? That evil game where you have to keep pulling sticks out and watching the marbles shift until you just KNOW that there's going to be the horrible sound of marbles falling any minute but you don't know for sure when? Yeah, that's fun.

In a something-just-exploded-in-the-microwave kind of way.

I've played plenty of games of KerPlunk in my day. It was what you did when you were a kid back then. Everybody seemed to want to play KerPlunk so I'd generally end up playing KerPlunk too, but honestly? I think I enjoyed putting the sticks into the cylinder more than anything. It was almost fun to try to weave the things through to make a proper, challenging thicket... but then, inevitably, someone would want to actually play with the damned thing. And there I'd be, faced with the anticipation of a sound that I just knew was going to hurt my brain, but not knowing exactly when I'd end up jumping to the ceiling.

KerPlunk was torture, but there was a worse thing in the game department. That's the main reason for this post, by the way. I spent a good part of my morning trying to remember the name of the thing (kind of like you'd try to remember the name of the kid who'd always get off the teeter-totter juuust when you were at the very top), and I finally did.

It was Bang Box.

Bang Box. The game where you'd blow up a balloon, put it under a cardboard cover, and then take turns hammering plastic nails into the thing until there was no more room for the balloon to wiggle and it would suddenly POP!


God, I hated Bang Box.

I think it may have scarred me for life, actually.

I'm going back to my quiet little corner of the internet to try not to think of the scary noises anymore. If you're wanting something more to look at, though, Sam's Toybox has some pretty cool vintage games. IF you can get past the colour scheme...

1 comment:

Sparroweye said...

I am collecting about 20 to 25 of my own favorite poems to put in book form. Elise tells me LuLu is trust worthy. You know, hope you take this the right way. But your noise sensitivity sounds like you might be a tad bit on the asperger scale. Ever read that gals book who made the cow calmer. It was awesome. I don't know what you really call it, it was just a device to calm cattle. It must also be why swaddling a newborn works so well to calm them. No noise sensitivity here. But I smell things that no one else does. It is very annoying. I have very very heightened smell issues. What is the psychic term for that because I think I have it. I wish the ghosts would quit sending me their call letters up my nose.

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