Friday 28 January 2011

Chapter 1282: Wherein Dee feels like crud


I do.

I think I'll spare you the gory details, but the reason for yesterday's lack of post is that I got to work after spending all morning trying to get rid of a headache, and things just got bad from then on. Bad enough, in fact, that I had to get people to last-minute cover for BOTH of yesterday's programs.

I did at least do the set-up, so that takes a little bit of the edge off of the last minute guiltitis. I don't like having to ask people to cover my programs because I don't feeeeel well, you see. Makes me seem like a whiny five-year-old.

To me, at least. To my boss? Well, he more or less greeted me with why are you here? this morning.

Why am I here? I dunno. Guess I thought that trying to get a few things done while my head and stomach would allow it was better than feeling sorry for myself at home. Although if I were home I could be curled up under the blankets right now instead of wondering how long I can remain upright in the office...

Why am I here, exactly?

Ah well. I'm here, I'm apparently whiny, and since I don't really have the head for driving in to my father's place at the moment I imagine I'll be missing from Blogland this weekend. I know that my two fans will be terribly devastated to miss a couple of days of the I Don't Feel Well whinge.

If it's too devastating you can always check the archives. There's plenty of whinge to be had there.

You can also try poking the Ontario office with a stick to get a post or two out of her, I guess. I haven't had much success with that method lately, but maybe if you told her that I've done nothing but whinge all over the place she might at least drop by to try to clean up a bit.

Um, anyway. I think it's best that I stop typing pointless drivel now and get back to typing work drivel.

See you in a day or two.


Edited because I just had to say that the Challenger Disaster is one of those where-were-you-then things for me, like the Kennedy assassination was for the generation before mine. I can vividly remember what I was doing when I heard (I had a spare first thing in the morning that day, so I was being a bit late with doing my hair. I had the launch on the television as I fiddled with the curling iron), I can still feel that disbelief followed by that kicked-in-the-gut sensation... and I'm in complete denial that it was twenty-five years ago today.

1 comment:

Juniper said...

We have a bit of a 'why are you here?' policy in our office - partly because we don't all want to catch the same thing..

Hope you're feeling better soon, but then what would you whinge about...? ;-)

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