Tuesday 25 January 2011

So, about this working at work thing...

Today's pointless photo? Well, it seems that my father's back alley is some sort of cat highway all of a sudden. I suppose it's better than having a rabid wolf highway, though.


The problem with actually working at work is that when you take a break to blog you usually (ok, I usually. I don't know what you usually) don't really have a well-formed topic in mind to blather about.

Today, for instance, I've had fleeting thoughts about telling you why I was sorting my popcorn last night (yes, I even eat popcorn kernels in a certain order. It's fun being a habitual snack-food sorter, you know), wondering why I'm still allowed to use the paper guillotine even with my lefty-disaster track record, and talking about maracas.

Yes, maracas.

And no, I've never cut off any portion of my body OR my clothing with the paper guillotine. Just so we're clear there.

Anyway, it's obvious that absolutely none of the above adds up to a blog post. Well, the maracas might... but at this point I think that it might be easier just to save them for another day, really.

If you want some maracas in the meantime, though, you might try this.

Aaand I guess that's all I have. Back to work for me, then.

1 comment:

Juniper said...

Haha, I can honestly say I've not written a blog when in the office. When working at home... well that's another matter!

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