Saturday 15 January 2011

You know...

Or maybe you don't know, I dunno know. And yes, today's photo is completely pointless. I told you that I take pictures of stupid things with the Dsi. Consider it another self-portrait if you want to, I guess, since it is a pointless photo of myself...

Um. I think I need to start this again.

Ok, what I was going to say is you know, when I've been weather-housebound for a few days I juuust don't have that much to blather about. And I have, as promised, been stuck in the apartment. I've actually got a bit of work done while I was there (which is unusual), but being in my own company for a while still doesn't give me a whole heckuva lot to put in a blog post.

I'm not in my own company today, though. Even though it's still colder than a witch's whatsit I've been out and about. Yay me, I guess.

I figured that I may as well be out and about, since I had to move the car anyway. You see, the company that manages my apartment building (and boy, do I have a few interesting words about them. It's not very interesting out of context, however, so I'll avoid the temptation) has -- SHOCK! AMAZEMENT! -- actually arranged to have the parking lots cleared of snow today. This is a rare, rare thing. We're lucky to get one clearing a season, but I guess that even they couldn't ignore the damned near half a metre of snow we've had this week that's making the act of parking a very dodgy thing. We got the notice a couple of days ago that our cars had to be moved between 9 AM and 5 PM today, so since parking on the snow-covered street is almost as dodgy as parking in the lot I thought that I may as well spend at least a little of that no-parking time here at work since I haven't been in for a few days.

And here I am. Yes, I was a dutiful tenant and dug my car out of its current snowdrift at nine this morning when it was still damned near -25C and I knew I'd be suffering for it later (which I did, but at least there was very little wind so the reaction wasn't too terribly bad. I'm pretty good at bundling up when I have to, as you can imagine). I didn't want to take the slightest chance that these morons could find an excuse to not clear my part of the parking lot, you see. Yes, it's that important to me. And yes, lot clearing really is that rare of a thing at my building.

I also don't want a repeat of the snow fence.

Last year, you see, they decided to do a surprise clearing after a particularly notable storm. It must have been a spur-of-the-moment decision, because they didn't send out the usual YOU MUST MOVE YOUR CAR OR BE TAGGED AND TOWED notice that they generally do (and I'd gladly pay you a hundred dollars if you could prove to me that they've ever towed anyone at my building. Even when cars have obviously been left for dead they never get towed). As a result, I didn't realise that they'd done the lot until I went to drive somewhere and found out that they had cleared around my car and left it in a pretty sizable fence of ploughed snow (and I wasn't the only one to suffer that particular fate, in case you wondered). I should make it clear at this point that as I live in an apartment building I do not own a snow shovel.

It was a very interesting thing to try to clear that packed-in mess with Dirty Moe's snow brush, I can tell you.


The car's been moved, I made it into work, I've got a couple of things done that I might not have otherwise, and they say that next week's supposed to be warmer so I may even be around blogland a little more often. These all seem to count as good things, so I suppose it's just as well that I was forced to leave my hidey-hole. Now if I could only figure out what to do with this week's Illustration Friday word.

Chicken? Seriously? Some weeks I really just don't get it...

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