Monday 17 January 2011

Um, dog?

No, not the pointless photo. It's not a dog. It's an iris. I wasn't in the mood for a snow picture today, really.

I'm at a bit of a loss as to blather today, I'm afraid. Normally this is where I'd be spouting off about my favourite drunken awards show, aka the Golden Globes, but honestly? Sooo boring last night, which was very disappointing. It wasn't nearly as loose as it generally is, and if it wasn't for Paul Giamatti I think I would have counted the entire evening as a complete loss. Well, Paul Giamatti and a couple or three other things, I guess.

Thing Number One: Bow Ties. My two fans know exactly how I feel about long ties being worn with evening dress so I won't go into that again. Suffice to say, I keep a tally of the men at awards shows who are smart enough to know that tuxes need bow ties or they're nothing but shiny suits. Last night? Bow ties won. Good for you, boys. Now if we could only convince Robert Downey Jr to at least take the time to choose a nicer-looking suit if he's not willing to go all-out formal.

Thing Number Two: Helena Bonham Carter. Yes, she dresses like she's completely out of her tree. Yay her. Things would have been even more boringer than boring without HBC wearing a partial tutu and two different-coloured shoes.

Thing Number Three, which is actually more about today than last night: Best/Worst Dressed lists. I look forward to these after every awards show because it's absolutely guaranteed that one "expert" will choose a best-dressed that another "expert" will completely pan. Last night? No exception. This makes me happy.

Note how Ricky Gervais isn't on my list of things? Yep. No doubt there are going to be some totally p.o'd people writing about his shtick today, and probably a fair number of defenders. Me? I just think he took the easy route. He's a clever enough fellow; he might have even been entertaining if he'd put a bit of effort in.

Ok, there's the Globes done. What else, then? Oh, I suppose I could explain the post title since I'm too lazy to go back and change it now (and that, boys and girls, is well and truly lazy). We had a visiting dog at the office today. Not terribly unusual -- dogs aren't allowed in the Sanctuary but they're more or less fine in the building. Several staff members bring their dogs in occasionally if they aren't going to be able to let them out during the day. Dogs aren't a problem here, is what I'm saying.


Today's dog was large, excited to be visiting a new place, and had a very big voice. I'm generally pretty good at ignoring that sort of thing, but there were a few people around here who were definitely getting unusually annoyed. Even I'm happy for the silence now, I have to admit.


That wasn't much of a story, was it?

Guess that's probably my cue to stop typing and get back to work.

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