Wednesday 19 January 2011

Nothing, really

Yep. I have nothing. Nothing really worth blathering about, that is.

Oh, I have things I could say. I could tell you that the weird patch of skin on my hand that's probably some form of eczema (I really should have it checked out at some point) is flaring up again so I went to bed with a huge bandage on it to keep myself from scratching in my sleep, but that doesn't seem all that interesting. Maybe it is to fans of dermatitis, if there are actually fans of dermatitis out there, but to me? I just wish I wasn't itchy.

I could, I suppose, tell you how frustrating it is to spend an hour of my life driving from pet store to pet store looking for crickets when I don't even like crickets. Unfortunately for me, the salamanders here do like crickets. Unfortunately for the salamanders, it was apparently Cricket-Free Day here in Alberta -- or at least my part of Alberta -- so they had to make do with some very small three-weekers until the stores get some new deliveries. At least the salamanders had a snack, though, which is more than I have with me for lunch.

And that is officially too much cricket talk. Especially since I am NOT having crickets for lunch.

Told you I had nothing.

But I have to admit that I did have a moment of amusement this morning when I opened up my e-mail and found several comments from people who apparently liked my chicken post for Illustration Friday. Just goes to show that you can never really guess what's going to strike a chord. Makes me think that I should be starting some sort of chicken-foot theme, really. It could be my next art project...

Or not. Later, all. I'll try to have actual blather tomorrow.


Juniper said...

Um, tame salamanders? wild salamanders? please excuse me if you're now rolling your eyes. All I know is that they are like lizardy type things.

Oh I just looked at the chicken post, yep it's a 'like' on that one!


deeol said...

Tiger Salamanders, which are in the wild here (as in many, many other parts of the world. The phrase common as dirt very nearly comes to mind). They're one of the few wild salamanders found in Alberta, and we have three of them in a terrarium at the nature centre where I work. We feed them crickets, mostly.

Boy, do I hate crickets.

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