Thursday 27 October 2011

I... got nothing

And that's even after trying to give the whole "topic" thing a bit of effort for a change.

Just not into it today, I guess.

It doesn't help that I feel so draggy. I know I've been whining about this for a while now (tooooooo looooong) but I'd just like Whomever's in charge to know that I get the point and I'm done with feeling yucky if that's ok. Don't get me wrong -- I'm definitely feeling better. I've just got that tail-end why isn't this over yet? thing going on that doesn't make me especially good company.

Even for myself. I'm usually pretty good at liking my own company, but I'm sick of myself at the moment. Sad, that.

It doesn't help any that I have a mystery pain (well, more of a dull ache than a pain) that's nearly on the verge of turning me all hypochondriacal even though it's 99.9% guaranteed to be nothing. It's just one damned thing after another, as my grandmother would have said.

No, really. She said that a lot. My grandmother was a bit... different, I suppose.

Anyway. This is plenty of wordage for not having anything to say, so it's time to stop typing before this becomes a post. Leaving...


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