Friday 28 October 2011

That totally pisses me off

I did warn you about the current lack of new pointless photos, you'll remember. Don't worry, though -- last night I took a couple of shots of my jewellery... totally not kidding...

Anyway. I did warn you about the photos, but I suppose I should have put a warning on today's title as well? Sort of sorry to those of my two fans who were dismayed at seeing a slightly colourful word up there. Sort of sorry because I do generally make an effort to tone down my language so that's what some of you are used to. Not completely sorry, though, because those of you who actually know me realise that the language in the title is pretty tame for me.

I'm not shy about my wordage, is what I'm saying. Oh, I try to use language that's appropriate to a situation, of course, but if I don't have to police myself I don't.

Anyway. This wasn't supposed to be a language post.

What was it supposed to be? Mostly just a comment on what the theme of my week seems to have been, that's all. My brain is currently wired to be annoyed, I guess. Annoyed at my neighbour's music, annoyed at the people around here who wait for everyone else to clean up, annoyed at a booking mistake, annoyed that the printer isn't currently working and I have two things that absolutely need to be printed out for the weekend shifts, annoyed at the idiot on staff who shoved a porcupine study skin on a random shelf with no form of protection around it...

Seriously? What person with a brain just throws a porcupine on a shelf without even a bag to cover it?

The whole thing just drives me nuts.

The Ontario office would say that it's more of a short putt, but whatever.

Whoa. Wasabi peas. I love them, but that last one went an awfully long way towards clearing my sinuses.

Um, yeah. Back to being pissed off. Or whatever phraseology you prefer, I suppose. I do understand that it's probably a function of my brain trying to get itself back together after such a span of being largely off-line, but it sure seems as though the world made a concerted effort to turn me green this week (erm... Hulk reference, not environment). Kind of makes a person both wonder about and dread what's going to happen next.

And how much it'll tick me off, of course.

Ah well. Back to work for me. Cross your fingers that the printer has decided that it's sufficiently added to my po'd index already and will be working before I have to leave. Here's hoping, anyway.

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