Friday 21 October 2011

I have a headache

Yeah, I know that's probably not news to anyone who's followed me for more than a day since I often have headaches (thanks, Mom, for giving me your screwed-up neck), but this is one of those sudden I-have-no-idea-why-I-have-a-headache headaches. It's kind of frustrating.

Maybe I need to go eat something.

I guess I should have brought lunch...

Ah well. I'll be out of here soon enough. Oh, and I'm taking the weekend off from the internet, so try not to miss me excessively.



I don't actually have one. Is that a problem?

Oh, I suppose we could talk problem. Minor problem, but one of those of course I should have predicted it type of things. I had to scrape the car windows this morning since we had rain yesterday and then freezing temperatures overnight. This is the first time I've scraped the new car, remember (remember my new car? I have one...). The new car seems to have a pretty decent heater on it, I now know, which is good for two reasons. Reason A is that I don't do well with cold, as my two fans can tell you. Reason B? Well, there's where we hit problem. It's a good thing that the car has a decent heater because APPARENTLY I'M TOO SHORT TO SCRAPE THE WINDOWS.

Yeah, bugger. And I should have seen it coming. The new car sits juuust that much higher than the old car so I can't reach the middle of the windshield with my current scraper. Don't get me wrong -- I can reach most of it, and definitely enough to give clear vision. I can't quite reach the final little strip, though, and that bugs me. I get annoyed by people who don't clean off their cars properly in the winter, you know. I mean those people who scrape tiny little patches and then pretend that they can see well enough out of them to be ok until the car warms up enough to take care of the rest. They're usually the same people who don't bother to clean off any of the snow from the tops of their vehicles, because naturally it will all fly off once they start driving.

Yeah. Fly off in chunks that hit the windshield of the car behind them, most likely.

The reason I get so annoyed by the lazy scrapers is that I don't do well with the cold (for those new to the program, I mean don't do well physically. Look up cold-induced urticaria, if you're curious. And let me tell you, it's an absolute joy to live with through an Alberta winter), but I can still generally manage to clean off my own bloody car to the point where it's not a hazard for everyone else around me. And if I can do that, then I'm afraid that in my book no one else has an excuse to be scraper-lazy.

And frankly, I don't want to be seen as scraper-lazy myself, even if it's because I can't reach the middle of the windshield.

Solution? Well, I'll look for a longer scraper.

That was easy.

And easily time to get back to work so that I'm not here too long today. As I said above, no internet for me this weekend. Have a good one -- see you Monday, most likely.

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