Monday 27 February 2012

Well, here's yer snow...

Sigh. That's what fifteen-to-twenty (never did hear the final tally for this area) cm looks like. And below you'll see the tracks I left when I came out to take the photo.

Doesn't exactly put me in the best frame of mind.

Well, that, and that fact that my head still isn't working right, which is why I stayed an extra night at my father's place rather than drive back yesterday. No choice today, though, although I'm very seriously wondering how I'm going to deal with tomorrow's early morning, cold, and double planetarium when I'm not sure if either my voice or my brain will be working.

And did I mention cold? Yeah. -26C this morning, apparently. It's supposed to warm up (in fact, I'm planning to wait until it warms up at least a half-dozen degrees more before I leave. Hear me, temperature?), but tomorrow morning's supposed to be below -20C again. Hmmm. Non-working head, non-working voice, early morning, and likely hives from the cold? Sounds like tomorrow's going to be freaking AMAZING.

I may not bother to blog. You probably won't want to be bothered with my mood if I do.

Anyway, that's all I've got for today. Time to go find some lunch, and then convince myself at some point this afternoon to hit the road.

Oh, one other thing. Oscars? Boring. Clothes? Needed colour. Guys? For the most part ok (I love you and your smoking jacket, Christopher Plummer!), but a few of you still need the bow tie lesson. But at least I've already found two different websites diametrically opposed to each other in their picks for best and worst dressed, which is all I really look for after an awards ceremony to make me happy. I get sort of an unreasonable thrill when one so-called expert picks a best that is absolutely another's worst. Shows how absurd the whole thing really is, and I like that sort of absurdity.

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