Thursday 23 February 2012

Ow. Brain.

Pretty sure this is going to be a nothing post. I had a fairly rough night for sleeping (which is going to make this afternoon's program especially interesting), and my computer sounds like it's planning to blow up.

Ok, not really for the last part. It has a fan that occasionally likes to sound like lift-off, and it took me by surprise just now because it hasn't done that for a while. Guess we'll be taking it apart again at some point.

It's kind of disturbing to a disturbed brain, though.

Let me illustrate how tired I am right now.

I came in this morning, told Wheat that I was mostly sleepless and apologised for any resulting mood, tried to open up an envelope, sliced my knuckle open, bled, fished out a bandage from the drawer (yeah, I'm bandaged up often enough that I keep my own supply. No point in constantly running to the first aid kit), put the bandage on, and then proceeded to try to jam my pinkie ring back on over the bandage. I did realise at some point that I was cutting off my circulation, and then had a heck of a time pulling the ring back over the bandage.

At which point Wheat, who'd been watching the whole thing, informed me that he was totally not laughing at me...


And I somehow have to manage to both walk AND talk in about an hour's time. This ought to be entertaining.

Hopefully in a good way.

Anyway, that's all you're getting from me at the moment. We'll try again tomorrow, assuming that more sleep happens.

And assuming that I haven't tried to cut off any other body parts with envelopes.

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