Thursday 9 February 2012

The blowing of the nose

Today's pointless photo is not of my nose (or of the blowing thereof). You're welcome.

Sorry for the unexpected absence this week. I mean, I was expecting to not blog on the weekend, but I wasn't expecting to wake up on Saturday with a throat raw enough to be worried about strep. It's not strep, if anyone was psychic (or psycho) enough to be worrying with me. It's very obvious from the sinus headache (AND THE BLOWING OF THE NOSE) at this point that I have a cold.


Well, come to think of it this might actually be my first cold of the new year (and I made it all the way into February? That'd be shocking), but still. Why the bloody nose hell whatever do I have to catch every single cold that comes along?

Almost makes me think that I like colds. I don't, but it could almost make me believe that I'm somehow subconsciously seeking colds out.

Ah well. What can a person do but work from home for a couple of days in the hopes that this might decide to be a short cold (is there such a thing?) and then give up and come in to work to cough (and blow the nose) instead?  My head's kind of wishing that I'd thought of a third option, to be honest, but you've all had colds so I don't think I have to continue to the point where I'm starting to describe the joys of snot.

You're welcome, again.

I don't really have a topic for this post, in case you haven't quite figured that out yet.

Is it time for an anyway?

Yeah, I think so. Type at you tomorrow, if I can find my way through the mucous.

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