Saturday 18 February 2012

Well hi, blog.

I, um, haven't been around this week.

You probably noticed that, though.

Anyway (yes, anyway this early), as is usual when I haven't been around for a bit I have a fair amount to catch up on, so I should continue doing that. One thing, though:

I've had to sift through a couple of botany papers this morning for something I'm putting together for the newsletter, and I seem to be losing my Latin. Has anyone out there seen it?

What I mean is, I'm far enough removed from school now that trying to read some of these scientific papers really is starting to get to be like reading a foreign language. I wasn't never a botanist to begin with, you'll remember, but I have enough botany courses that I could generally make some sort of sense out of botany terminology. Today, though? I had to look up cleistogamy. And chasmogamy, for that matter.

And now you do too, if you're at all curious, because I'm not going to link to them.

I get that way sometimes, when I haven't been around for a bit.

Later, then. Maybe even with more botanical terms, if I'm feeling cruel or something.

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