Friday 24 February 2012

Pointless photo of the day:

To be honest, I've been busy enough working at work (I know. Shocking.) that I haven't really had time to think of a post. So here's a bird garbage pile. You're welcome.

I need to get out and take some more photos, really, but it sounds like this weekend will only be good for polar-bear-in-a-blizzard type shots. We're expecting a storm, boys and girls, and I have to say that it makes me a little sad. This has been a reasonably mild winter overall, true, but it's the end of February and that means we've hit the time of the year when even the people who like snow are wondering if we really need a new 10 - 15 cm.

Or maybe I'd just like to think that. Personally, I know we don't need another 10 - 15 cm.

I'd say it puts me in a bit of a funk (and no doubt by tomorrow it will have), but at the moment I'm working on my first real night's sleep in a while so I'm in no hurry for my mood to be funkified. Erm, so to speak.

It says a sad thing about my life, though, that when I woke up this morning I was thrilled to have slept in. All the way to 5 am... sigh. I miss the days of being a night owl. I know I've said this before, but it used to be that in the times when I wasn't working -- and my job used to be seasonal, so there were lots of times when I wasn't working -- I'd stay up until 2 am and sleep until about 10 am. It was fantastic. I used to do silly things like watch infomercials while I was baking. At midnight. No, I'm serious. We had no all-night grocery stores at the time, but if we had I would have loved visiting them even if it was just for the people watching.

I used to drive out in the country in the middle of the night to watch meteor showers. If I did that now I'd have to plan on getting nothing done for a day or two after, because my stupid brain's decided that it likes 4 am. It wouldn't matter if I went to bed at 3; my brain likes 4 so we (me 'n alllllllll the voices) would be up at 4.

It sucks.

Ah well. It seems to be what I'm stuck with at the moment. Obviously things can change since they changed for me, but I'm not counting on it happening any time soon. 4 am it is, or 5 on a good day. And lots of complaining about it...

You're welcome.

Well hey, if it wasn't for complaining this blog would be about less than nothing. Right?

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