Sunday 22 April 2012

At least the flowers are pretty

This'll probably be short because I don't really feel like blogging, I definitely don't feel like typing, and I'm a bit lacking in the sleep department. Not badly, but just enough to make me a little grumpy.

As I said above, at least the flowers are pretty... or will be, when they're fully opened. It's Early Blue Violets (Viola adunca), one of the first wildflowers to open around here, and one of my personal signs that allows me to believe that spring is really here and not just faking us out.


On this Earth Day, I really have just one thing to say: we can't destroy this planet. As in, it's physically impossible to destroy the planet without taking unbelievably massive measures to do it. This planet will be here long after humanity isn't. Anyone who tells you that we can destroy the planet is wrong.

We can't destroy this planet.

We can, however, make it unlivable for our species. Ours, and many others besides.

Anyone else feel that maybe we should be thinking twice before we do that?


In other news, I fulfilled my civic duty yesterday by going to the advance poll to vote in our provincial election. Here's hoping that everyone else does the same. And here's hoping that they put more than the usual Alberta-style thought into their choices when they make them.

I voted. For an MLA, that is. I didn't vote in the Senate election. I don't know any of those people or what they stand for, so I declined the ballot. Besides which, as important as it is to make your voice heard in a democratic system, it's completely pointless to vote for a... what do they call them here? senator-elect, or something stupid like that?... when the Senate in Canada is still an appointed body and all we in Alberta are doing is saying that this is who we think you should appoint. It's a complete exercise in pointlessness, and I suppose that means that it should have been explored more thoroughly on this blog.

It wasn't. I hate politics, especially the pointless kind.

Oh, and for anyone not in Canada who's wondering what I'm on about, the quick version: the Senate is the federal equivalent of the British House of Lords (there's no such thing as a provincial senate), and its members are appointed. My province likes to waste money by electing potential nominees which are almost always ignored by the federal government. Pointless politics at its most pointless.

And you're welcome to google for any further information if you're actually interested in any of this stuff. You'll not get more from me. This is about as much political talk as I'm willing to bother typing, what with the stupid wrist brace continually hitting the ALT key and all.


Speaking of which, I think I've about lost my patience on the typing front. The wrist is achy and doesn't like to have any weight put on it, but I'm pretty sure that my hand isn't going to fall off so it's all good.

Type at you later.

At some point after tomorrow's political Festival Of Pointlessness, maybe.


Sparroweye said...

Our system is even more confusing. I don't even understand it. Electoral votes. What is that. And why am I even casting a vote.

rishi said...

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