Thursday 19 April 2012

You can't hiiide yer cryin' eye

Theme of the week, but this needs to be short because I have things that need to be done before this afternoon's program. Oh, and the photo? Taken April 6th. This tulip has either budded or been eaten by now. I'm betting on eaten.

Aaanyway. Today's weird title is a veiled complaint that I'm going to unveil for you now. I have a weepy eye. My left one, in fact. It's been that way for months, and I've no idea why. Screwed-up tear duct, maybe, or maybe half of my face is severely depressed. Either way, there are days (not always, thank Whomever) that I'm a virtual tap, and it's annoying.

Today's one of those days.

One thing those of you who've never had a (and the singular's important here) runny eye might not know is that when you have just one eye running you also end up with just one nostril dripping.

TMI? Don't care, really.

Gotta go now, anyway.

Bet you're glad you stopped by today, aren't you.

1 comment:

josh pincus is crying said...

just tell everyone that you're really really sad.

Or just tell them to mind their own friggin' business.

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