Monday 16 April 2012

Lack of post of the day:

Ok, this is why: I'm busy, I'm allergic, and (according to Captain Obvious at the walk-in clinic) somewhere along the line I've picked up a sinus infection. Here's how that went down:

Me: I think I might have a sinus infection.
Captain Obvious (pressing down on aforementioned sinuses): Does this hurt?
Me: YES.
C.O.: You have a sinus infection.


Anyway, this too shall pass (and remember, kids, as the Alberta Government says: Not All Bugs Need Drugs. Or something like that), and I might find time to post properly by about... um... Wednesday?

In other words, don't expect much from this week.

Wait a minute, the more observant of you are saying now, what about the more-pointless-than-usual photo, then?

Acetaldehyde, aspirin, and ethanol. Ethanol looks kind of like a bad model of a dog, don't you think?

Um, Dee? That didn't really help much.

Oh, I'll explain it another day. Wednesday, maybe.

Outta here for now.

1 comment:

Sparroweye said...

Some family, a cousin and my daughter have had this sinus/cold infection for weeks. Both were on two different kinds of antibiotics. I mean they were really sick with fever etc. I take sambucal (elderberry extract) every single day, two teaspoons unless I feel a scratchy throat or swollen glands, then four times a day for two days until the symptoms go away. And I never get sick. I buy it online from Swansons. The native americans used elderberry. You just have to be careful if you have auto immune diseases because it does amp up your immune system. I swear by it. And it tastes like blackberry syrup.

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