Wednesday 18 April 2012


But first...

This was the last of last year's leaves left on the apple tree. I thought it deserved commemoration.


Do you think a person's condiments tells you anything about them? I'm thinking specifically of the stuff that you generally find on the door when you open a person's fridge. Do you think that the assorted collection of weird bottles and jars says anything about a person's personality, or is it just an indicator of the person's cultural background?

Does it tell you what a person likes... or just how boring (or not boring) they are?

There's not going to be any big revelation behind these questions, by the way. I was just thinking about it yesterday as I reached for the Lea & Perrins (for my scrambled eggs, if anyone wondered. And don't knock it 'til you've tried it). Would someone draw conclusions about me just from the stuff on the door?

Probably. It's what we humans do.

May as well draw some conclusions about me, then, because I need to get back to work and this particular blather is going to end with THE LIST and no smartass comments after. Here goes, then:
  •  Ketchup
  • Mustard
  • Barbecue sauce (hickory smoke flavour, if you must know)
  • Frank's (but I don't put that sh-- on everything)
  • Soy sauce (need to get some more, though. The current bottle's showing its age. Guess I don't go through it very quickly these days)
  • The aforementioned Lea & Perrin's (which I do go through. I loves me some worcestershire)
  •  Ranch dressing that should probably be tossed, now that I think of it. I'll check.
  • Ribena. Not a condiment, for anyone who doesn't know. But it's on the fridge door.
  • Miracle Whip. And yes, I know that a certain segment of the population considers the stuff mayonnaise blasphemy. I don't care.
  • Cheez Whiz. Again, not a condiment. Not even cheese, for that matter.
I think that's probably it. Terribly exciting, I know. Still, it was an actual post. You have to give me that much, really.

1 comment:

Sparroweye said...

When I used to eat beef. I rarely do now. I ate it only for the worcestershire sauce. I also love Marzetta Simply dressed ranch dressing for it's real olive oil in it. I could eat the stuff with a spoon and have. As a kid we always had miracle whip. My daughter introduced me to real mayo. Now I prefer it. But I never thought that would happen. It always seemed too buttery and rich and not sweet. I have no idea what most of your condiments are except for the steak sauce and ranch dressing.

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