Monday 9 April 2012

Well, that was weird

Yesterday, I mean. For whatever reason, I ended up having an unintentionally busy day. I did my taxes, finished the laundry, cussed at the Alberta online voter registry, finally got registered to vote (but not at the address I'd hoped for. Ah well. Here's to voting in my father's riding again, thanks to a certain website's inability to accept a street address that ends in Avenue CLOSE rather than just Avenue), sat down at the piano for a while (and I won't even tell you how long it's been since I did that), did a painting (a very small painting, but still) and went out stargazing.

And somehow still managed to fool around with the 3DS long enough that it's on the charger now.

In other words, I had an apparently busy day that still felt like I was doing nothing. Weird.

The painting, such as it is, can be found here. Or at least a scan of it can. It's an ATC, so if there's anyone out there in my-two-fandom who wants to trade, just let me know.

And after yesterday? Well, as usual, I have very little in mind for the blather. I've really got to start planning things out more.

I guess I could mention that today's pointless photo features what is, knock wood, the last picture of my snow-booted footprints for the season. That particular snow is nearly gone now, and hopefully the inevitable late-season (or in this case, even later-season) storm to come won't necessitate my getting out the boots again.

You know what? I don't have anymore stuff today, so I think I'll just stop typing. See you in a couple of days, since I'm going on a field trip tomorrow. With a van full of coworkers who'll be half asleep because we're leaving too early.

Ought to be... interesting.

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