I suppose it doesn't help that when I woke up this morning my brain was playing the Sons of the Pioneers singing Pecos Bill.
Now, some of you are saying hey! I remember that one. Some of you are thinking it's an odd choice of earworm for someone who doesn't go in for country music. And some of you are just thinking what on earth is wrong with you?
That's ok. I tend to get that reaction a lot. And I'm not even the toughest critter west of the Alamo.
I'd be curious to know what dream was disrupted when the internal alarm clock went off to remind me I had to get back to the city this morning, though. It could have been any one of several associations. I know my grandma had Sons of the Pioneers albums, and as a result I can face the barren waste with the best of 'em (pop-up warning on that last link). I've also seen the animated short I linked to above far, far too many times.
Ah, my misspent youth in the Wonderful World of Disney.
I suppose I should explain that joke. It was a joke, you know. I've always been more of a Warner Brothers fan, really. Something about the chaos factor.
Have you had enough pointless links yet?
Back to the Disney version of Pecos Bill (which the internet informs me has now been edited to take out the cigarette-rolling part. Come on, people. That's taking PC just a little bit too far into the realm of the completely idiotic. Did they honestly think that it would make kids want to try rolling a smoke the way Bill did? Stupid, stupid people). Was anyone else bothered by Slue-foot Sue's endlessly-rebounding bustle? Maybe it's just because my dad was a science teacher, but even as a kid I knew she couldn't possibly bounce higher and higher like that. And yeah, things like that annoyed me.
They probably annoyed my dad, too. After all, he was the one who was stuck trying to answer the resulting questions.
Man, I wish I could wake up. I thought a bit of pointless blather might kick-start the brain, but apparently it ain't gonna happen.
Tonight I get to sleep without a bed full of needy animals, you know. In my own apartment and everything.
First time in over a week.
I'm going to be sooo pissed if I end up staying awake even then.
Anyway. I think the fog's closing in again (even way too much sugar in the chai doesn't seem to be helping that) so I'd better stop before this gets weird.
Yes, I know it's too late for that.
And shut up, world.
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