And why a picture of a telephone pole?
See above re: pointless.
Anyway, I'm trying to come up with a quick topic since the dog will need to go out soon (I haven't killed the dog yet, for anyone keeping track, but I've been close to it once or twice) and as I've already wasted so much time moving the zodiac stories over here from the old blog I haven't really got any farther than thinking about breakfast.
I know.
But there are only so many stories in the archive, after all. Eventually the blog will have to go back to being ALL POINTLESS ALL THE TIME!!!!!
I had crumpets for breakfast today. Crumpets with margarine (there isn't any butter in this house. Don't you judge me) and blueberry preserves. The good kind, with whole fruit. Oh, and I had a glass of mango/passionfruit juice to go with. All in all, a pretty good breakfast.
Crumpets are fairly weird, though, don't you think? They're not really like anything else. I'd say they're almost like eating a tenderized sponge, but seeing that I actually rather like crumpets I should think of a better way to describe them.
Too bad I'm not having much luck, then.
For those who have never had the pleasure and are now curious about eating tenderized sponges with blueberry preserves on top, this recipe is a bit more complete than the one that was on the Wikipedia crumpet link. Does it work? No idea. I usually just buy my crumpets and heat them up in the toaster.
The dog seems to be getting restless upstairs, if the thumping I hear is any indication. Or maybe she's just chewing on the cats. That could be.
Nah, not enough hissing.
Guess I should call it a post, at any rate. I was going to talk about my grandmother and her occasional crumpet cravings, but that'll have to wait now.
I know you're all heartbroken.
Ah, go back to reading the stories already.
mmmmmm cruuuumpets. I love crumpets. I now want a crumpet. And, Iim starving. Thanks a lot.
Well, I'd throw you one down the highway but I'm out now.
Tomorrow it'll probably be back to boring old toast.
With blueberry preserves.
The good kind, with the whole fruit.
Did I mention?
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