Boy, would you be wrong.
I actually tried to think of a real topic. I did. The best I could come up with -- and you can blame this on too much television while I was stranded in the hurts to move position -- is that I'm really very tired of the Apple Mac commercials.
I am, you know.
When they first came out... cute. Somewhat clever, even. Now? I hate the premise, I hate the smugness, and I HATE the music.
Come to think of it, music choices kill a lot of things for me. Maybe my brain hasn't figured out that background music is supposed to be background music, I don't know, but I often find myself getting annoyed by music that I know I wasn't really supposed to be noticing.
Take some of the political commercials out there, for example. I've already said (like, every single time that we have an election) that I have no use for negative ads and don't pay much attention to them. Unfortunately, some of the positive ads that one particular party has chosen to run (in amongst the absolute avalanche of their negative ads. It's a wonder I noticed that there were any positive ads at all) feature background music that is annoyingly reminiscent of the music one of our local newscasts uses whenever they have a particularly "heartwarming" or "special" story. It's overly sentimental piano noodling, and I don't expect that the politician in the ad would be thrilled to know that, simply because of the music, his ads make me think that he might just be a person we should all feel good about because he overcame some crippling mental deficiency to get his high school diploma...
If Wheat reads this and knows which ads I'm referring to, he'll probably have a few things to say about the possibility of that particular politician actually having a crippling mental deficiency. That is precisely why I'm not naming the politician. My two fans should know by now that I thoroughly dislike political discussions.
Besides, we don't need to turn the blog into a pumpkin today.
Anyway, I'm about done with my lack of topic for now. Bad commercial music = bad commercial, for those who needed a summing up. And as for me... well, I might be back to blather tomorrow. The way things have gone this week, I don't want to say for sure. Besides, I may be nursing a few sore muscles after this morning's fall.
Oh, I didn't mention the fall?
Yeah, I guess I didn't.
Oh well.
For a blog that is purportedly nothing but blathering, I am sorry to inform you that you have unsuccessfully not blathered about some thing because there are or seem to be inferences laden with sarcasm here that make me think of "war zeros" claiming to be something more, claiming actually to be "whore heros" --- wait a minute, did I get that right? It's almost 5am, couldn't sleep, got back up, found your weblog while surfing Blogger, took a gander, and well now . . . I'm get . . . ting . . . sleee ... peeee . . . .
Where was I? I just woke up with my face on the keyboard, drooling on the ENTER key and the back of my right hand. Had to erase a whole shitload of zzzzzzz's where my left pinky was cramped up and impinging --- weird, that.
Right. The Pointless Blather Blog, okay. So, that wasn't a dream. Anyway, nice is not a nice enough word for your pics, but, well, they are nice. Nice cat, too. And I just looked over my shoulder and witnessed my cat looking at me, and then his eyes half-closed. He looks sleepy. But forgive me, I dither. If keep at it I will soon be blathering.
Wow, I am going to start reading your blog just to read the comments. hmmmm..... But I love your blog.
It's the sarcasm I come for. Yeah, that's it, the sarcasm.
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