Saturday 9 May 2009

The cat

Ok, to be honest? Really not feeling great. I'm on the third day of the aforementioned headache, I'm tired even though (for a change) I got a decent night's sleep, and I can't quite figure out if it's the allergies gone completely haywire or if I've managed to catch the latest virus yet again.

Bugger, I think would be the appropriate term.

On this blog, anyway.

So let's talk about the cat. Max, to be precise (and yes, he really does drag that old dog leash around the yard with him when he's tethered outside. Drags it very well, in fact). There are two cats here, but Max is the one more likely to be causing trouble. Penny's not perfect, however, no matter what the Toronto office might think. She just tends to be more discreet when she's being a problem.

Anyway. Max. Max has decided that I'm not allowed to have the bedroom door closed when I'm here at my father's place.

To be fair, he decided that quite a while ago. It's just that I got a recent reminder of the fact. Very recent. This morning recent, actually.

You see, I went to bed pretty early last night because I was feeling more or less lousy. I figured that I may as well close the door, because that way my dad didn't have to worry about any noise he was making. I did say I went to bed pretty early, right? Anyway, I sort of forgot that closing my door would mean a serious disruption in Max the Cat's daily schedule.

Max doesn't generally sleep with me, if that's what you were thinking. At least not for most of the night. He has, though, decided that it's necessary to show up on my bed early (sometimes EARLY) in the morning for a cuddle and to have his belly rubbed. Nothing wrong with that, I guess, and I suppose that it's nice to be wanted. Even if it is just for servicing the cat.


The door was closed this morning.

Closed tightly.

What's a needy cat to do about something like that?

The last time I closed my door at night I made the mistake of just nudging it closed without fully latching it. I was woken up at godawful in the morning by the BANG! of a door being opened by the full weight of a cat being thrown at it. Seriously. He must have taken a run at the damned thing. This time, though, the door was closed. Fully closed. Sooo...

At about quarter to godawful this morning I was woken up by the sound of a very impatient cat reaching under the door and scratching the other side of it.


He used to do that when he was a kitten, but I'd rather hoped he'd forgotten.

No such luck.

And if you think you can ignore the sound of a very very VERY persistent cat telling you to open the door and let him in already, well... you can't.

You just can't.

It's not possible.

Anyway, I opened the door for His Highness, he sprang in with a what the hell took you so long?, and he got his belly rubbed.

Not a very interesting story, yes, but I think we can all agree that it was pretty pointless.

And that's it for my brain today, unless I manage to do something for Illustration Friday.

Which would be posted on the other blog anyway so I really don't know why I'm mentioning it here.

Kind of silly, come down to it.

Ah well.

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