Sunday 24 May 2009

Otherwise occupied

Well, ok, so teasing the ladybirds was actually how I was otherwise occupied yesterday. The cotoneaster hedge was full of evil Seven-spotted Ladybird Beetles, so expect a few more pictures of them to show up here on the blog in the next few days.

Yes, I finally have some new photos. Things are starting to look like spring AT LAST so I took a few shots yesterday. And picked up a few beetles here and there.

Do I have to remind you that being able to pick up ladybirds is a big thing for me? I was seriously, SERIOUSLY freaked out by insects when I was a kid. And now I spend way too much of my time taking pointless photos of them.

Who'd'a thunk?

Anyway, I'm not posting the post I was planning to post today because I'm currently otherwise occupied (ok, ok, not currently otherwise occupied. I'm currently occupied typing this post. Before that I was doing what I'm going to tell you about, and after I post this I'm going back to doing that. Just so we're clear and all) with my weekly perusal of Illustration Friday entries. It was a good prompt this week -- Cracked -- and people have come up with a lot of interesting takes on it. Mine's up as of this morning, if anyone's interested, but even if you aren't I'd encourage you to take a browse through some of the links on the site. I really find it fascinating to see where different artists' minds take them when offered one simple word.

My stuff? Not terribly artistic, but it's all right for a professed doodler. It gives me a chance to play, if nothing else.

We all need to play with our toys sometimes, even if Max gives me rather more help than I need when I'm trying to doodle here at my father's place.

Anyway. That's it for the post. Now, back to what I was doing before I was so rudely interrupted.

Erm, by myself.
That's kind of weird, don't you think?

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