Thursday 23 December 2010


It's weird being in the office this time of year, when so many of the staff are already on holiday and there aren't many visitors. I always think that it's going to give me a chance to get more stuff done because things are quieter.

I always think that, yes.

Does it happen?

Well, I seem to be pretty busy. The thing is, I'm busy with stuff that normally isn't my stuff. I guess I should expect that, but for whatever reason it generally seems to surprise me every time it happens.


Either that, or I'm a slow learner.

But at least I'm a busy one.


In other weird news, I currently have one swollen eyelid. Just the one, yes. My right one. I think it might just be a stye so I'm not panicking (yet), but it sure the hell is annoying. Felt like I had something in my eye last night, so of course like a stupid idiot I rubbed it. Why do you suppose evolution decided that it's a good idea to instinctively rub your eye when there's something in it, by the way? If there is something in your eye rubbing it's going to cause problems, and if there isn't... well, you end up with one swollen eyelid, I suppose. Yesterday there was just a bump (I checked. Too late, but I did check), but after the rubdown things are well and truly hooped.

Incidentally, if you haven't been freaked out for a while and you feel the need to be so, just try googling anything medical. All I was looking for was a way or two to help bring down the swelling, but what I found? Oh boy. It's a good thing I'm not a hypochondriac, because some of that stuff (not to mention the pictures. Ick.) would be enough to send anyone running to the emergency room in total fear of losing her eyesight, if not of having her entire eyelid drop off right in front of her.

And of course if I did the aforementioned running to the emergency room, they would tell me that I have a stye.

Which I probably do.

And it's really annoying.

Which I already said.

Must be time to end this particular edition of the whinging then, right?


Back to work for me.

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