Saturday 23 April 2011


That's what today's pointless photo is, all right. A bud. A bud from the Wayfarer bush (Viburnum lantana, for anyone who wants to look it up. I guess I'm not in a linky mood today) in the back yard, which is always one of the first things to try to leaf out.

I wonder if it's as desperate for things to get going as I am.

I always get a bit horticulturally restless this time of year. Everything's looking scabby and old as it finally peeks out from under the snow, and I just so want something green out there. It used to be that I helped myself out a bit by trying to get a few things started for the balcony in a seeder flat, but I just don't have the set-up (or the room) for that to work out well in the apartment so I've stopped trying. Yeah, even I can eventually figure out when something's a complete exercise in futility.

So what's the alternative?

Generally, I'll prowl around my father's yard with the camera looking to ambush anything that looks as though it isn't actually dead. Thus today's bud, yesterday's crocusses, and whatever else I might find today if I go out instead of trying to figure out what the heck I'm going to do with this week's Illustration Friday prompt. I'll also be keeping a close eye on the trails at work when I do my programs, trying to find a hint of anything that appears to be springy.

I need green. Really, really need green.

I'm almost to the point of withdrawal, I'm telling you.

Ah well. The sad thing is that, as much as I want green, my personal list of hey, it's spring consists of A) my first flowering something, B) my first spider, and C) oh frigging great. The poplar trees are trying to kill me.

Parts A and B have been accomplished, as my two fans read yesterday. Part C, otherwise known as allergy season for me, will be starting very, very soon.

It's just completely not fair that I spend so much time looking forward to spring and then spend about a month of it feeling absolutely miserable, you know.

Ah well. Again. With any luck tomorrow's pointless photo will feature Early Blue Violets, since it looked like they were juuust about ready to open yesterday. As for the rest of the day, I'm thinking: sinus headache (yes, still enjoying my cold. Thanks for asking), find something bicycle-ish to draw that doesn't involve drawing an actual bicycle, and... oh yeah. Go vote. I haven't been talking about the election because it's really not my thing to get into politics, but it's the advance poll this weekend. I'm fully intending to act like a responsible adult even though I honestly could take the whole lot of them and toss them in the bin without a second thought and be done with it.

Um, yay me, then?

Yeah, I guess.

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