Saturday 30 April 2011

Oh, nothing

I think it might just be a little too early in the day for me to have any blather (although, considering that I woke up at absolutelystupid o'clock this morning it really shouldn't be too early in MY day). Shame, that, because this is about the only blather time I have today and there likely won't be any blather at all tomorrow.

Ah yes. Quality blogging as usual.

Anyway. Here's some not-quite-daffodils-yet to hold you for the meantime. As for me, I'm going to try my best to make this foggy brain function, and then it's back down the highway.

One of these days someone's going to invent a teleporter, you know, and there won't be any more of this weekly back down the highway nonsense. And, of course, it'll happen juuust after I've died. Just to piss me off, you understand. Because the world is all about doing things just to piss me off...

Ok, not really. I'm tired, remember. I'm allowed to have a moment of believing that everything out there's a conspiracy.

To piss me off.

Hands up if you're tired of seeing the phrase piss me off already.

Yeah, me too. See you in a day or two.

I'll try not to be too pissed off then.

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