Sunday 3 April 2011

Stupid blog tricks

Well, as you can see I used up my blogging time today by playing with the template. Will I keep the look you're seeing right now?


Eh... I don't know. We'll see if it grows on me. The font nazis will probably be happy to see that Papyrus is gone from the title, anyway. For the moment. Not promising that I won't stick it back in just to annoy them, though.

Anyway, as I was saying above, template-fiddling pretty much used up any blather time I might have planned, so you're mostly going to get the photos today. And you do have to have the photos today, because I actually took some new ones yesterday. I even found a slight bit of spring, as you can see to the left. Those are honest-to-goodness daffodil shoots trying to prove to me that eventually there will be flowers in the yard, and not just the nerdstick leftovers from last year that my two fans have been suffering through lately.


In all fairness, I have to say that these particular daffodils grow right under the vent for the dryer, so the warm air creates an artificial balminess that can be more than a little misleading. This photo is what it looks like right beside the daffodil shoots:

Yeah. Spring's going to take us a while yet, I'm thinking.

Time for me to go find some lunch now. If anyone has any comments about the new template, let me know. I may or may not take them under consideration, but I'll be interested to know if any of them mirror my own ideas.


Oh, and if anyone's wondering, I did manage to get my taxes done last night. Score one for adulthood, I guess.

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