Friday 1 April 2011

I've lost it

The post I was going to make, I mean. I had an idea for one at some point in the day, but work's just been too darned distracting on the blogging today and I've lost it. Silly work. What are you doing making me think about work instead of blather?

Good thing I like my job, or I might be a bit miffed.

If the blog were my priority. Which, and I think this is probably obvious, it isn't.

Anyway. What to blather about in lieu of an actual blather?


How about...

Daisy. Yeah, I have a brief something I could do with Daisy, even if it does bring the photo dangerously close to having a point and therefore causing the blog to turn into a pumpkin.


Back when I was a lot younger and still assumed that I'd have a family of my own (more because that's what people do than because I ever remember wanting one for myself) I got into a discussion with my mother and aunt about baby names. I can't really recall why, at this point; probably someone's recent birth announcement set things off. At any rate, we were talking names, and I was asked what I'd name my hypothetical children. To be honest, it was something I'd never put any thought into. I'm not sure that I came up with anything for a boy -- I might have, but this was a while ago now -- but after thinking about it for a moment or two I told them that I'd give a girl the middle name of Daisy.

The response wasn't exactly encouraging.

I had a reason for it, though. Daisy's a pretty enough (if old-fashioned) name, I thought, and as a middle name it would go with a lot of different first names. Besides, it was a family name on both sides for me. It was a first name a couple of generations back in my mother's family, and it was one of my paternal grandmother's middle names. Perfect, right? Honour the past, give a child a sense of family, and name her after a nice flower.

My mother wasn't convinced (or maybe she was just surprised I'd come up with something like that), but I'd like to think that I might have gone ahead with it had I grown up to be a completely different person than I turned out to be and settled down with the ol' husband and 2.5 kids.

Is it still 2.5 kids? I always kind of felt sorry for that half a kid. Old joke, I know, but it's all I've got at the moment.

And with that, I think I'll call it a blather. I hope that everyone noticed the lack of April Foolery here on the blog. I thought about it, to be honest, but then I realised that a lame attempt is about twenty times worse than no attempt at all.

You're welcome, internet.

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