Sunday 24 April 2011

Fifty things

I know that I said it'd be violets for today's pointless photo, but they weren't quite open yet so instead here's some of the crocusses that are.

Now, today's blather. First off (well, second off, since the flowers were first), I have yet another sinus headache today so you just know that's going to colour everything I blather. I'm tired of whinging about this cold, though, so in the spirit of avoiding that we (me 'n alllll the voices) are going to do another list. Haven't done this for quite a while, I guess, so for those of you who haven't had the pleasure, here's how it goes. Fifty things. I have to make myself think of things. Sometimes it's positive, sometimes it's not. Sometimes it's themed, sometimes it's not. Today? Well, since my head's in a snot fog I think we'll just go with a very simple fifty things that make me happy. And for those of you who have had the pleasure: yes, I expect that at least a few of these will be repeats from previous goes at this. After all, there are only so many things that make me happy.

Here we go, then. In no particular order except the way in which they pop into my head, fifty things that make me happy:
  1. This
  2. Malted milk eggs
  3. Lilies
  4. Mandolins
  5. Purple
  6. Carbon pencils
  7. Cheese
  8. Vanilla
  9. Mozart
  10. Cats. For the most part. Max in the middle of the night? Occasionally.
  11. Alstroemeria
  12. Comparative anatomy
  13. Jumping spiders
  14. Actually learning things from TV. Yeah, I'm one of those annoying educational television types.
  15. Historical fashion
  16. Limes
  17. Books
  18. Logic puzzles. Not saying that I'm any good at them, mind...
  19. Chickadees
  20. Tulips
  21. Deer. Except when they eat the tulips.
  22. The smell of play-doh
  23. Interesting paper
  24. Patterns
  25. Absurdity
  26. Singing
  27. Sixties pop
  28. Seeing people enjoy learning. Especially about the natural world.
  29. Pizza
  30. Dry humour
  31. Houseplants
  32. Good design
  33. Chocolate
  34. Putting worcestershire sauce and dry mustard in with my scrambled eggs. Don't knock it 'til you've tried it.
  35. Knowing that I have something to contribute.
  36. Watching talented people do what they do well.
  37. The blues. The music, I mean. Not having the blues.
  38. Making up alternate lyrics to songs. Blame my father for that one, I think.
  39. This. Especially the piano bass line. One of the best ever.
  40. Carnations
  41. Pigma microns
  42. Doodling. Guess I should have said that before mentioning the art supplies.
  43. Baking cookies
  44. Looking at things in a slightly different way.
  45. Old-school jazz. They kind of lose me in the Sixties.
  46. Listening
  47. Yarrow
  48. Saskatoons, especially in a pie.
  49. Social history
  50. This. 'Nough said.
Well. That wasn't so bad. Good thing I wasn't aiming for a theme, though. It would have been heavy on the flowers and food.

Anyway. I think that about does it for me on this Easter Sunday (and that's the only mention of that you're going to get here today). I expect to be away from the computer tomorrow, so we'll see you in a day or two.

Oh, and if anyone was wondering, I did manage to get out to vote at the advance poll yesterday. I even managed to vote for something that wasn't None of the Above.

Yay me.

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