Wednesday 13 April 2011

I just want to go back to bed

Yeah. Haven't exactly been feeling myself for the past couple of days. My body can't quite make up its mind as to whether it's lack of sleep (of which there hasn't been much, but that's not unusual), the start of my regular spring cold, or the start of my regular spring allergies.

I don't think it's the allergies one because the trees haven't really had a chance to get started yet, but I could be wrong on that.

Anyway, I'm feeling kind of lousy but not entirely sick (if that makes any sort of sense), I'm reeeally tired, and I kind of want to go home.

And, of course, I have nothing for the blather. The pointless photo is of real, growing strawberry plants and was taken over the weekend, however, so that's a little cheerier than things have been in my where-the-hell-is-spring brain for a while.

We're having a snowstorm tomorrow, though.


Sigh. I'm just going to stop typing now, all right?

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