You're welcome.
One of the interesting things about clearing the entries on the old blog (did I mention that I've been clearing the entries on the old blog? Well, I'm clearing the entries on the old blog) is that since I don't want to delete the blog in its entirety -- that is, I want to keep the domain name and reuse it -- I'm having to delete post by post. I generally do about a month at a time, and as I go I've been skimming the blather just in case there's something I feel needs saving.
Nothing so far.
Big surprise to my two fans, I'm sure.
I talked about a lot of things in four years' worth of that blog, though. Sometimes the same thing over and over again, true, but overall I had more to say than I would have believed possible.
And now, of course, since those posts are gradually entering the black hole of the interweb, I can talk about it all over again here and very few people will be any the wiser.
heh heh
It also means I can start taking pointless photos of my wristwatch again, since all those shots have already been deleted. Don't know what I mean by that? Well, watch this space.
Hmmm. Maybe not this exact space. Some space, though.
I said something about nuts in the post title, didn't I? Nuts, then.
Ok, how about the fact that it's evil of my father to buy pistachio nuts when he knows I have very little self control in that department?
Sigh. Pistachio nuts. They're so good.
I am glad of one thing, though, and it's that the processors of pistachio nuts have gotten over the supposed need for all pistachio nuts to be dyed pink so that we, the idiot consumers, don't notice that the nut shells do indeed have the occasional blemish.
I think I've read somewhere or other that blemishes were the reason for the dye job. Can't remember where now, however, and I'm far too lazy to look it up.
I definitely don't miss the pink-tinted fingers. And lips. And tongue.
Erm, yeah. I suppose you could say I always looked a bit like a clown college reject every time I ate pistachios as a child.
I believe that's all I have to say about pistachios. As for any other nuts or pseudonuts (covering all my bases there), well... macadamias are also incredibly dangerous to a nutter like Yours Blatheringly. Nutter, get it?
Oh, shut up. I haven't been well, remember?
I also like almonds rather a lot, although I'm better at rationing those. I like peanuts, but only if they're dry roasted or in the shell. Could never figure out making an already greasy food even greasier.
Mmmm. Food.
I should have had breakfast.
There are pistachios upstairs, you know. My father bought them.
Sigh. I may just as well admit that I haven't a chance here.
I'm going now.
Probably to eat pistachios.
1 comment:
It's not that I'm less lazy, it's just that I really needed a little break from the project I'm working on right.
The old tradition of dying pistachios red began as a way to disguise blemishes and other imperfections. "The outer skin has a high amount of tannic acid," Dalvi says. "If the nuts are not taken to the peeler right away, the tannins will stain the shells with dark yellow splotches, so the nuts would be dyed red to make them more aesthetically pleasing."
And we also have:
Some nut authorities believe that the California growers attempted to copy-cat the appearance of the Turkish pistachios by dying them with red food coloring. Others claim the red dye is used to distract from imperfections and discoloration on the shells due to poor quality of the nuts. The red dyed pistachios were more available 40 to 60 years ago than they are today.
And that, friends and nosy blog-readers, is what you'd call a nut case.
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