In other words, this ought to be good.
Or at least random.
Today's pointless photo, by the way, is of a merlin. It didn't feel like posing, so you get this weird-ass silhouette instead of something that actually looks like a bird. I watched it hunting last weekend, but it sort of confused me at the time. It seemed to be diving, grabbing, and eating nothing. No little birdies were losing (or even loosing) their lives. As I said, confusing... until I realised that it was hunting dragonflies instead of songbirds.
For those of you who don't know what a dragonfly is, look at every second picture on this freaking blog anymore. Yep. Lacking sleep here, as I warned you. And yes, I do have still more dragonfly photos waiting on the nerdstick.
Let's see... what else?
Well, there were altogether too many fingerprints on my monitor when I came in this morning. I know they weren't my fingerprints because fingerprints on a monitor are pretty high on my list of annoyances. I don't understand why people feel the need to touch monitors in the first place, and I sure as hell wish they wouldn't touch mine. Ok? Everyone hear that? Fingers do NOT belong on monitors, boys and girls.
Not surprisingly, I've already cleaned the mystery fingerprints that no one ever owns up to off of my monitor.
If they're back tomorrow, someone loses (not looses) a hand.
In other news, my father has managed to find himself a cold. I'm not sure how he did it, to be honest, because I haven't really noticed any other sickos around lately. I expect to in a week or so what with all the kids going back to school, but not yet. Maybe the father figure was just trying to beat the rush.
The reason I mention this is that I want it down in print for when I end up feeling ill about this time next week. It'll be all my father's fault, you know. Especially because one of the last things he said before I left his place was "I hope you don't end up with what I have."
Thanks, dad.
1 comment:
Turmeric. My newest find. When my husband had them most yucky, cruddy,
scary cold. And snotty kleenex were everywhere. I kept taking 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric. I swear by the stuff. It has cured the start of a sore throat, swollen glands. Great
India cure. I hope your Dad gets over his cold. I like your Dad.
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