Thursday 9 October 2008

Don't say I didn't warn anyone

Hey look what a person can find on a nerdstick from the summer. As I recall, I was sipping something exotic on the back deck and the camera is generally parked on a table somewhere near when I'm outside. Aren't you the lucky ones. Oh the something exotic was most likely a different brand of iced tea or some such.

No, really.


Oh come on.

Fine, I don't have to sit here and put up with your insolence you know.

Oh, now, I thought the voices had all gone to bed but apparently they're arguing up there.
Time to take them to put their little heads down I think.

And you know ... I came here with an actual thought to ramble on about tonight. It's remarkable how those thoughts can vapourize between the other room and here. It must be that black hole in the hallway. Yeh, let's go with that.

Maybe tomorrow.

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