Saturday 11 October 2008


No, not the pointless photo. It's pointless, as usual.


So, I said yesterday that maybe I'd have something worth typing today. I don't. You can stop reading here, if you like.

What I do have is a very annoying nose (well, more what I can't get out of my nose. If anyone out there happens to get this particular cold, you'll find out soon enough all the joys of very thick mucous. TMI? TDB. Erm... that last was too damned bad, for anyone who wasn't following my train of lack-of-thought) and very little voice. There's a bit more of it than there was yesterday, thank goodness, but I'm pretty grateful that it's the weekend and I don't have any groups of children to shout at for a few days.

I'm doing my best to rest the stupid thing (the voice, that is), but I'm finding out in a hurry that I don't, normally. Rest it, I mean. I guess I'm not very good at being quiet on a daily basis.

For example, do you have any idea just how much singing I generally do in a day? I didn't. It's a lot, though. I don't want you to think I do nothing but burble night and day (or burble Night and Day, which I guess would be a more specific compulsion), but there's an awful lot of music echoing through the empty spaces in my head (and exiting through the mouth) when my brain isn't engaged in much else.

Like when I'm doing laundry on a Saturday morning, for instance. I honestly didn't realise that I normally provide myself quite the soundtrack while I'm sorting clothes. And loading the machine. And hanging the things that can't go through the dryer...

It's the way my brain works, you see. I always have a tune in my head. Always. I've mentioned it to people now and then, and I've had more than one person say it'd drive them nuts if they always had music playing in the mental background. Me, I'm the opposite. I went through a bit of a bad thing a number of years ago, and it's the only time I can remember lacking music in my thoughts. It was quiet, empty, and scary, and I really don't want it to happen again. It's a comfort to me to be able to... um... "carry" a tune. Or several.

Besides, it helps keep the voices down to a dull whinge.

Anyway, apparently the music isn't always just in my head, because I've found myself having to STOP myself from singing over and over and over again this morning. Kind of annoying, but I do want things to heal at least a little over the weekend since I have yet another full (if short) week coming up so far as the voice is concerned.

I don't have an ending for today's blather, you know. Anyone up for a little more Cole Porter? Well, I am and it's my place after all. Take it away, Valaida.

I'm off to add a few more books to my Shelfari shelf (check the sidebar if you don't know what I'm on about). If I ever get every book that I own on there, it'll either look very impressive or like an extremely serious case of OCD. I'm fine with whichever.

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