Friday 3 October 2008

Pointless thought of the day:

Does a Nyquil sleep count as sleep or as "sleep"?

So here I sit with a head full of mucous and the beginnings of a raw throat (no more programs today, though. Thank goodness). I am, however, more rested than I've been in a while thanks to the magic of good old OTC. You know, that sort of thing could really leave a person wondering if drug dependency would be such a bad thing after all...

Oh, relax. I'm not about to become a Nyquil junkie.

As tempting as it sounds.

I'm afraid I don't really have anything worth blathering about today other than sleeping the sleep of the stoned, unfortunately. I didn't watch either our debate or the American one (although I understand that the Vice Presidential debate made a pretty good drinking game. Maverick? Have a shot), and before anyone suggests that I'm planning to vote in ignorance I'll just say what I said (or at least texted) to the Toronto office last night: I stopped listening to any of this sh garbage as soon as I figured out which party's policies I disliked the least.

That's right. I actually prefer to read about the policies rather than listen to the garbage.

And I will vote. This weekend at an advance poll, most likely, which means that I'll be completely tuning out the last few days of the campaign.

Yay me.

And incidentally, considering that I wasn't watching either debate, how is it that I managed to be flipping channels (while there was a commercial on the Food Network) exactly in time to catch Palin talking about nukular weapons?

Ah well. If it hadn't been that, there would have been something else to make me scratch my head. The woman is a walking caricature.

And thus endeth the politics on the blog.

I hate politics.

And I hate colds.

And with that, this blather has officially become five times longer than I was intending it to be. Catch you later, all.

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