Thursday 10 March 2011

I think someone's out there...

And it's not my father's rhubarb monster from last year. That thing was huuuge.

Um, yeah. This would be a good place for an anyway, I guess.

I noticed the other day that for some weird reason my other blog (which, I'll remind anyone who doesn't go there, consists almost entirely of once-a-week quick doodles for the Illustration Friday prompt) now has ten followers. Or should I say has ten followers at the moment. The whole followers thing tends to fluctuate.

The blog you're reading also has followers, but I haven't got the followers widget up so you don't have to know how many followers there are. So there.

As far as I know, I don't know a single one of those people. Oh, there are people I know who do read the blogs (or dread the blogs, which is what I just typed and may, in fact, be true), but I know they don't do it by following. My followers are, apparently, people who have stumbled upon this place (or the other place) via the nav bar at the top, random searches, or just plain internet unluckiness.

So who are you people and why are you here?

I suppose I can understand the doodle appeal. There are a number of art blogs that I follow because they piqued my interest, so I get it. I don't quite get why my doodles would attract anyone since they're just a silly hobby, but I still do get following an art blog. I don't get, though, why anyone who doesn't know me would have the slightest interest in the odd mixture of whinge, pseudophilosophy, pointless photography, and just plain absence that you generally find on this blog.

Heck, a lot of the time even I have a bit of trouble being interested.

Although... ok, to be honest I'll sometimes find myself cruising through my own archives. Probably with a bewildered what the hell was I thinking when I wrote this? look on my face most of the time... but I do reread them on occasion.

I've been blogging for a long time now, although several years' worth of the original posts were deleted when I revamped the other blog. I started mostly accidentally, I kept it up mostly out of habit, and I have absolutely no aims with it in the end. It's nice to know that people read, yes (even if I haven't the foggiest idea why), but I'm not headed for a book deal or even a simple pay cheque from the nonexistent advertisements you can't click on. I just... blather.

Yeah, the name of the blog wasn't exactly an accident.

I just blather, and some of you out there have decided to become my two fans.

Erm... should I explain the two fans thing? Long time inside joke is all. Not sure I can handle any more than two fans at the best of times, but it's my own stupid little pleasure to mess with the plural by referring to a few of my two fans. Hmm. Kind of boring when it's spelled out, really.

Anyway. I need to get back to work, so this'll be yet another pointless post without a proper ending. Which, apparently, will have a tiny bit of a following.

Sometimes I just find the interweb so confusing...

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