Wednesday 7 September 2011

My head hurts

Gee. Bet you haven't heard that from me in a while.

Oh, and it's not the cosmos' fault (the flower, I mean. It might be the Cosmos' -- in the larger sense -- fault, for all I know, but I'm certainly not blaming the flower). It's supposed to be that colour, by the way. It's not just bleached out.

I'm on day two of this particular headache, which usually means that my neck is involved. I'm mobile at the moment, but all it would take is a crooked sleep and I'll be hooped.

Yay? Not really. Thanks for giving me the family bad neck, mom. I enjoy it very much.

So having established that I have a headache, let me now tell you how my morning started. I woke up (way too early, as usual). I groggily watched my recorded late-night stuff. I attempted to get ready for work. I decided that I should lie down for a little longer to give myself a fighting chance of taking the edge off of the headache before I left for the office.

Around eight o'clock I heard a noise.

A big noise.

A motor noise.

A noise too loud and too close to be coming from the loading dock of the hotel that my apartment building is next to.

Now, let me set the scene a bit before I get up to check the noise. The apartment's balcony door (which also happens to be its only window) is wide open because we're having a late season heat wave and my south-facing apartment is veeery warm. I'm also in a ratty tank top and -- erm -- not so ratty underwear. Same reason. I get up to see what all the noise is about and find...

Two men in a construction lift right outside my third-floor window.


Then the swearing started. Not from me, although it might have been appropriate. No, it was from the workmen who had just realised they'd set up the lift for the wrong balcony. They were supposed to be one apartment over and one floor up, as I found out from the massive pounding that started a few minutes later.



Anyway, longish story slightly shorter, my headache and I decided that we may just as well go into work at the usual time after all.

And tomorrow?

Well, I guess I'll wait and see if I'm moving at all before I promise a more interesting post.

This one's over now, though.

Stupid morning. Stupid head.

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