Thursday 29 September 2011

Ok, so I forgot to blog

Seriously, I did. I got involved in some work stuff, and my head is full of snot (yep, tiredness and feeling blah have resolved themselves into my yearly fall cold... just in time for school programming to start in earnest next week), and then there was the dog in underpants...

Um, yeah. Let's just go back to I forgot to blog and not into my workplace is weird. At least, let's not do it today.

So what does that leave me? Not too much, I suppose. I'll give it a think for a moment.

*insert elevator music here*

Ok, here's a question. What age is too young for boys (or girls. This'll fit for girls too) to be using hair products? I had a boy in my morning program with a fauxhawk, and it kind of got me to wondering if it was really appropriate. I mean, it definitely looked kind of cute on him and no doubt he was emulating an older brother or maybe even his father, but the kid was five years old. Does a five-year-old really need to be gelling up?

I don't know.

It was harmless, I have to admit. Compared to what goes on with those beauty pageant moms who put false eyelashes and hairpieces on their three-year-olds, it was so far down on my personal scale of what the hell are you doing to your kid? that I'm not sure why I'm even mentioning it. It was a fun little hairdo on a five-year-old, that's all.

I guess... I guess it was maybe a little bit of wishing that kids in general wouldn't start to get concerned about how they look so early in life? Yeah, that could be. I can't help but think that children nowadays don't have enough time to be children, and thinking of a kindergarten kid already starting to worry about whether he looks ok (which, again, I don't think this particular kid was. It's just the example I have at hand) is a bit depressing to me.

Um, says the girl who had her ears pierced -- at her own request -- for the first time in Grade One...

Oh, and ladies? If you're considering getting your daughter's ears pierced before she's old enough to tell you that she wants pierced ears, just don't. Seeing pierced ears on a baby bothers me so very much. Even more than those ugly flowered hairbands that some people insist upon foisting on their kids. At least the hairbands can come off at nap time. Earrings? Not so much.

Ok. That ended up to be a post after all. Back to work for me, then. That and sneezing. Expect me to be sounding like I'm the only one who's ever had a cold in the next few days. I'm awfully good at that side of being sick.

As my two fans are very well aware.

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