Saturday 3 September 2011

Ok, I've got nothing

Well actually... I've got troubles (whoa whoa), I've got worries (whoa whoa)...

Sorry. It just came to mind when I started typing.

The fact is, though, that I am worried about something, and -- as my two fans know -- that usually means I either pump up the blather ten-fold to keep from thinking about it or I tend to clam up completely. I seem to be heading for the second option today, I guess.

I should make it clear that I'm not worried about something earth-shattering (although it might end up costing me a bit of money). Don't be worried about me worrying; I'm just built that way. Call it an artifact of being an olf, if you like. I still worry about things from grade school, for pity's sake. This will be ok no matter how it turns out (and if it turns out that something has to be done, I promise it will make its way into the blather), but until it turns out my brain won't be able to let go of it.

I hate being a worrier.

It serves no purpose.

And what's frustrating is that I know full well that it serves no purpose, but as much as I'd like to stop it I just simply can't. I've never been able to. I can't go with the flow.

Sometimes I feel like I can't even find the flow.

Ah well.

If I'm going to be honest, I'm slightly less worried about what I'm currently worried about than I was a couple of days ago because I'm fully aware that I have a safety net, but still. Things. Why do they happen, eh?

And with all the things that happen whether I worry about them or not, and all the things that don't seem to happen even when I do worry about them, why on earth do I continually seem to find more things to worry about?

And why am I such an obsessive little freak, anyway?

Um... that was for any of you who are new to the program and might not realise what an olf actually is. Blame the Ontario office for that one, by the way. She christened me olf yeeears ago. Personally, I'm not sure if having a label made it better or worse.

Ah well, as someone once said a few paragraphs up. If a person's going to worry, she may as well have some classic music to worry by. Shall we end this nonsense with something like that, then? Let's see... Ok, this'll do nicely.

See you in a day or two, folks. Long weekend here, and I'm taking a bit of time to myself.

To worry, no doubt.

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