Thursday 1 September 2011

Stationery envy

The photo? Just assorted weirdness that's been going on in the balcony planters.

I'm going to try to keep this short today because sleep hasn't been going at all well. And that, as anyone who's visited this place knows, leads to an awful lot of backspacing and not very much sense.

So. Having said that, let me just add that I am so completely in full-on stationery envy mode at the moment. All the back to school ads definitely have me wanting to lay in school supplies, which is awkward and not at all necessary since I'm not going back to school.

I loved buying new school supplies, though. Couldn't have cared much about school clothes, but stationery? New, undestroyed school supplies? Were absolute heaven.

Yeah, I was a weird kid.

Since I'm also a weird adult, this is the time of year that I have to work especially hard at keeping myself away from art stores. You see, logically I know that I don't need school supplies, but over the years my brain has transferred the need for school supplies to the want for new art things. What things? Doesn't matter. Something new and undestroyed, of course, and something probably too expensive. I used to give into it almost every fall, but in the past few back-to-schools I've actually managed to keep the MUST BUY ART SUPPLIES voice in my head down to a dull pleading.

Wish me luck this year. And happy back to school, all you lucky new-stationery-toting students...

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