Thursday 22 September 2011


No, today's title wasn't brought on by this week's blog silence, which was itself brought on by lack of sleep. You know what's fun? Take a woman who's a notorious insomniac and then screw with her hormones to make it even more impossible for her to sleep. Sometimes you suck, nature.


Today's post title comes to you courtesy of my speech impediment. My slight speech impediment, I should say, since I'm not planning to type a lengthy whinge about my crippling inability to talk. I talk for a living, for Whomever's sake. If I tried to tell you now that I couldn't, you'd be forgiven for thinking that I was absolutely full of it.

I do have a speech impediment, though. A slight one. My two fans may remember me mentioning it before, but I'm pretty sure that it's been a while. For those new to the program, then: S-H and I sometimes don't get along well.

When I was a kid, fish was fiss and dish was diss. Those terminal S-H words were a problem. At the start of a word things were fine, but apparently my brain had trouble getting itself around the fact that S-H was allowed to work at the end of a word, too. I don't remember having speech therapy (which isn't to say that I didn't. I don't remember most of my physiotherapy either, except for those stupid painful exercises that I had to do before bed. Oh, I remember those...), but I do remember being reminded that wiss was supposed to have a sh sound on the end.

Like most kids with a minor impediment, I mostly grew out of it. Nowadays I'll have a little trouble with S-H if I'm really tired, but generally you wouldn't know it was a problem if you talked to me on an average day.


You had to know that there was an except, right? I probably wouldn't be typing this if there wasn't an except. So here it is.

Except that all of you parents naming your kids Josh are driving me ever so slightly batty. Josh is hard, boys and girls. Especially if you have any S's in the first part of your last name. I really kind of hate saying Josh, and to be honest Joss Stone sort of bugs me too just because I always feel like I'm saying her name wrong even though I'm not.

I guess what I'm saying, then, is if you're thinking of naming your boy (or girl, I suppose, if you're into that sort of thing) Josh, then please... oh, what the hell. Do it anyway. It's not like most of the Joshes in the world are ever going to hear me struggle with their name, right?


I'll just be over here in the corner for a bit, ok? Probably practicing S-H...

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