Sunday 13 January 2013

Oh... deer.

This? Is a bad photo. It was taken through a window, the deer was on the move, and it didn't give me a chance at an actual shot.

Ah well.

Just as a warning, you'll be seeing a number of bad photos in the next little while and it's entirely not the new camera's fault. I went out quickly for a few minutes yesterday just to say I took some pictures (ANY pictures). And when I say quickly, I mean quickly as in left the camera on autofocus and really didn't bother to check what the camera was actually focusing on. Don't judge the quality of the camera (which in reality is pretty good) from the half-assed photography you're about to see, is all I'm saying.


I'm going to beg off on doing a real blather today because I'm a bit headachey right now. I'd explain why, but you'll no doubt be hearing about it in the next day or two. It's mostly just an interrupted sleep is all, but the reason isn't terribly happy.

Or... um... life-threatening, I should say. Don't want to panic any of my two fans.

Anyway. Stay tuned for the week of Really Crappy Photography, Featuring Winter. I'm sure we'll all enjoy it immensely.

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